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Supporting documents

The checklist below includes supporting documents for all possible applications. It is unlikely that you will need to submit every document – it is your responsibility to read the assessment criteria before applying.



Documents should be PDF or Word files. You must provide 600dpi colour scans of certified copies. Photos and low quality scans are not accepted. If you have many files you can compress them in a zip folder.


Certified copies

A certified copy has been formally endorsed as a true copy of an original document by a person or agency recognised by the law of your country, (for example, a notary official or a Justice of the Peace) and recognised by the Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate for this purpose.

Each copy must be certified separately and clearly show:

  • The words ‘certified true copy of the original’
  • The signature of the certifying officer
  • The name and address or registration number (where appropriate) of the certifying officer legibly printed below the signature

It must be possible, from the details provided, for us to contact the officer.

Please note: if you are using a migration agent, your appointed migrant agent cannot certify your documents.



If an original document is not written in English, you must provide a translation into English along with certified copies of the originals.

We reserve the right to request that translations are completed by a translator accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).

Document checklist

1. Identity (minimum three documents)

  • Certified copy of biography page of passport
  • Certified copies of at least two (2) other official identity documents including one official photo bearing ID such as:
    • Birth certificate
    • Driver license or ID card issued by country of citizenship
  • If applicable, certified copy of evidence of name change


2. English proficiency (one of the following):

  • English language test results
  • Certified copy of qualification in English ( or letter of completion)
  • Letter from employer stating English was the primary means of communication for the work performed and that the employer was satisfied with the applicant’s English language proficiency


3. Qualifications

  • Certified copy of qualification (or letter of completion) showing the start date and end date the applicant was deemed to have completed the course
  • Certified copy of transcript of results
  • For overseas applicants, is it recommended that you submit a detailed course outline/syllabus


4. Industry experience

  • Resume including 2 referees with contact details, one of whom must have been your workplace supervisor
  • Position descriptions for all relevant work experience
  • Statement of service or letter from employer which states the details of the position including title, type, whether part-time or full time, and start and end dates. The letter must be on company letterhead and must include the full name, job title and contact details of the manager/HR officer who has signed the letter. You must provide this evidence for all work experience claims made.


5. Industry currency (one of the following)

  • Evidence of qualification
  • Position description for the industry experience
  • Letter from current employer showing details of the position including title, type, whether part-time or full-time, and start and end dates.


6. Other supporting documents

  • If applicable, evidence of professional registration/membership in your country of training or a country you have worked in. Evidence can include a certified copy of registration certificate or an online registration verification number.


PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to seek additional evidence to support or supplement claims. This may include copies of salary pay slips, bank account statements or a third-party verification.